Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Can one person make a difference?

 Of course one person can make a difference. In My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult, Anna is a "allogeneic donor" Which is perfect for her sister Kate when she needs leukocytes, stem cells, or bone marrow. These all help "fool" the body to thinking its healthy.When Kate ends up in the hospital, Anna ends up there right beside her because her genes match Kate's perfectly.(page.10)

I feel that Anna is definitely that one person who can make a difference on her sister, Kate's life. But she doesn't. She ends up suing her family for the right to her own body. She wants to be independent and doesnt want to always be dependent for her sister Kate. She could make a difference on Kate but she decides not too.

This website shows tons a real life stories who are hero's because of saving someones life by being an organ donor. One person is all it needs to save another persons life. While reading the story from Kentucky they mentioned a quote from Amelia who was sick girl who once said “The real heroes are the donor families. I look at it this way: there could have been two tragedies, but my donor family turned their tragedy into a blessing. I’m forever grateful.” Everyone who has been in this situation as found someone who has changed their life in a significante way. Amelia was scared she wasn't going to make it to the end of graduation but thanks to her donor mother, Amelia did graduate and took a full course load and summer classes and also got to be homecoming queen!


  1. I agree that Anna is definitely a hero to her sister Kate. Putting herself in danger and pain to help her sister survive longer. I like how you incorporated the real life stories too. It added to the blog and made the story seem a lot more realistic, reading that stuff like this actually does happen.

  2. I also agree completely that Anna was a hero throughout the book because without her Kate wouldn't be alive. I love the source that you used because Amelia is being represented as a hero and it is similar to Anna's situation. It is a great blog and it was a great source that was used between both the book and in reality.

  3. I love how you included a real life story on a similar topic because it helped to show how stuff like this truly does happen. I didn't think of Anna being a hero while reading, but after I read this blog I do agree with you. From Kate's perspective, i'm sure Anna is the biggest hero because she is the only one who can truly save her life, and for this she looks up to Anna. You made a valid point and if Kate choses to not go along with the medical emancipation anymore, and instead help her sister Kate out by donating a kidney, she can very well potentially made a big difference in the lives of the entire family. Nice thing to chose to write about!

  4. This wars a great blog! My favorite part about it was that you included a real life aspect to it by posting a link to a website for similar stories to Kate and Anna's. I also agree with how you said one person can make a difference. We pretty much saw this in all the other books we have been reading as well as in this one. Anna was put on this earth just for that reason, to make a difference in Kate's life.
