Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What qualities must a person have to be considered a good parent?

A good parent should have love for every single one of their children and treat them equally. No child should feel less loved than their siblings. In the help, Sara Fitzgerald who is the mother of Kate, Anna, and Jesse gives Kate more attention to her than her other siblings.

Sara is a great and supporting parent to Kate. Kate is sick with Leukemia and she is always by her side and helps her through everything.
Kate said to her mom "When you care more if someone else lives than you do about yourself….is that what love's like?"(page 310). I agree with what Kate said because she does love Kate and wants to do everything she can to make her feel safe and get healthier. Kate's mom thinks Anna is willing to help her sister but Anna doesn't feel like an individual. She feels like she's only there to help her sister live her life.

'Did you ever feel, when you were a kid, that maybe they were playing favorites?" Her face tightens, just the tiniest bit, and I feel bad about putting her on the spot. "We all know you're supposed to love your kids equal, but thats not always how it works out."(page 145) - Brian 
According to what Brian said, He knows that they are favoring Kate than any of the other kids. He does help support Anna is having her spend some time alone when he says to Kate "I'm giving her space to come to the right conclusions by herself." (page 197)